Vol. 9, 2024

Radiation Technologies in Industry and Environment


Peter Kump, Julio Cabello(♰), Juan F. Facetti Masulli

Pages: 1-5

DOI: 10.37392/RapProc.2024.01

The Precambrian in eastern Paraguay is present mainly in two areas in the north and in the south; at the Apa High in the former and at the Caapucu Height in the latter which is constituted by Rio Tebicuary complex; to the north of this river is exposed the Caapucu Hight (Jaguarete Kua plug). Recently, geochemical studies were performed in the Precambrian plug of Fuerte San Carlos, near the Apa River providing analytical data in this regard. In this work hand specimen of granitoid rocks from the southern Jaguarete kua outcrops are studied in some of their major, minor and trace elements aiming to look for relationships with the northern outcrops and their provenance as well as the granitoid type. The analyzed elements were Na, Al, Si, K, Ca, Ti, Mn, Fe, Cu, Zn, Ga, Pb, Rb, Sr, Th, Y, Zr, Nb, Ba, La, Ce, Pr, Nd. Analyses were carried out by EDXRF except for sodium that was analyzed by Neutron Activation. The XRF experiments were carried out using the facility of Josef Stefan Institute in Ljubljana, whereas NAA was done with an Am‐ Be neutron source with a flux of 5 x107ns -1 at the Facultad de Química (UNA), Paraguay. The results of analysis allow to establish inter alia indexes, ratios which are related with crystallization, granitoid type etc. The spidergrams standardized to primordial mantle of refractory elements content, show an enrichment of incompatible elements in the samples. Besides, they resemble to those found in Precambrian (Neoproterozoic) outcrops from the northern area (eastern and the Paraguayan Chaco), as well as from Brazil.
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Radon and Thoron


Iris Borjanović Trusina, Milica Rajačić

Pages: 6-9

DOI: 10.37392/RapProc.2024.02

Radon is a radioactive gas originating from the ground which can permeate enclosed spaces and pose serious health risks for humans when inhaled chronically. At the Technical College of Applied Sciences in Zrenjanin continuous measurements of radon concentration were undertaken during the summer and autumn of 2023. Radon concentrations were monitored in four rooms located in the basement and ground floor levels, covering an area of approximately 4000 m2, where previous short-term tests had indicated the highest radon concentrations. Detectors were positioned approximately 1 meter above the ground and away from doors, windows, walls and heating sources. These rooms remained in normal use throughout the measurement period. Two types of detectors were utilised simultaneously, placed in close proximity to each other. Radon concentrations were assessed using active-type radon detectors branded as Airthings, alongside CR39 track detectors. The radon concentration values obtained with CR39 detectors demonstrated good agreement with the results obtained using Airthings detectors. The statistical Z-test was employed for analysis.
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Aishah Alboloushi

Pages: 10-12

DOI: 10.37392/RapProc.2024.03

A time-saving and optimum procedure for determining Radium in water has been implemented in Kuwait. This new development has been reached including radiochemical separation using manganese dioxide (MnO2) resin and α spectrometry measurements. Radium is separated and retained by the MnO2 resin, then it is extracted by 5 M HCL/15%H2O2 solution. Barium sulfate is precipitated onto the resolve filter followed by α measurement of Radium-226 (226Ra), in addition to γ measurement of Barium-133 (133Ba) to calculate chemical recovery%. IAEA proficiency test sample 2 was analyzed similarly, and the generated value of Radium-226 (226Ra) was in agreement with the reference value as well as the γ result analyzed in the same laboratory. The newly developed radium analysis procedure is more efficient for water samples than other radio-analytical techniques due to the low detection limit of α spectrometry compared to γ spectrometry.
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Aida Sarač – Hadžihalilović, Edin Hojkurić

Pages: 13-17

DOI: 10.37392/RapProc.2024.04

Osteoscopy and classic morphometric analysis of the skull can determine gender with an accuracy of 92%. The aim of our study was to determine the degree of accuracy in determining the gender of the skull based on the classic morphometric analysis of the mastoid process. The research was conducted on a sample of 100 macerated and degreased skulls of known gender and age from the second half of the 20th century, including the population of Bosnia and Herzegovina, which belong to the osteological collection of the Anatomy Department of the Faculty of Medicine, University of Sarajevo. It is a prospectively designed, osteometric study, where 3 diameters of the mastoid process were measured on each skull using a sliding compass (Schubler) on both sides: mastoid length, width and antero-posterior diameter. The size of the mastoid process was calculated according to the given formula. The antero-posterior diameter of the mastoid process was shown to be a significant predictor for the differentiation of skull gender p=0.0001. If the antero-posterior diameter of the mastoid process increases by 1 mm, the odds ratio (chance ratio) that it is a female skull decreases by 41% in our sample, while in the general population the chance ranges between 50-30%. The size of the mastoid process proved to be a significant predictor for the gender differentiation of the skull p=0.0001. If the size of the mastoid process increases by 1 mm3, the odds ratio (chance ratio) that it is a female skull decreases by 41% in our sample, while in the general population the chance ranges between 50-30%. Increasing values of length, width, antero-posterior diameter and size of the mastoid process increase the probability that the skull is classified as male. By multivariate binary logistic regression, the antero-posterior diameter of the mastoid process was singled out as statistically significant for the differentiation of skull gender.
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Radiation Measurements

Thermoluminescence of beta-irradiated YBO3 :Nd3+ phosphor synthesized by combustion method: A preliminary study

Sibel Akça Özalp, Z. Gizem Portakal Uçar, Y. Ziya Halefoğlu, Mustafa Topaksu

Pages: 18-22

DOI: 10.37392/RapProc.2024.05

This study aims to investigate the thermoluminescence (TL) properties of the YBO3 sample doped with Nd3+, which is known to be an important candidate luminescence material. The Nd3+-doped YBO3 phosphor was synthesized at various concentrations (wt%) utilizing the combustion method. The optimal dopant concentration and optical filter combination for the Nd3+-doped YBO3 samples were determined through analysis of their TL glow curves. Consequently, TL emissions of the specified YBO3: Nd3+ (0.5%) samples were examined using the IRSL-TL 410 nm filter combination. The YBO3: Nd3+ (0.5%) sample displayed two distinct maxima at approximately 210oC and 390oC, with a linear heating rate of 2 oCs-1, and when the beta dose response of the sample was examined within the range of 0.1-20 Gy, a consistent linearity (b = 0.946, R2= 0.999) was observed between 0.1-5 Gy. Following 12 cycles of reusability testing, the integrated TL intensity exhibited no significant alterations. A short-term fading experiment of the TL emission of the sample was carried out, and the results showed that up to 7 days, the 1st maxima faded very little, the 2nd maxima almost did not fade at all, but around the 7th day, the intensity of this maxima increased greatly.
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Nuclear Forensics


Jozef Sabol, Ľudovít Lipták, Jan Bajura, Eva Fojcíková, Peter Čarný

Pages: 23-28

DOI: 10.37392/RapProc.2024.06

The software ESTE was used to assess the spread of contaminated air in terms of parameters that calculate radiation exposure to affected individuals. The computer simulation proved to be a reliable tool for obtaining relevant radiation protection quantities and their dependence on parameters such as the initial source activity, its position, wind direction, and wind velocity. An essential condition for accurate dispersion modelling in urban areas is the evaluation of urban wind fields specific to various environments and atmospheric conditions. The location, structure, and layout of buildings are reflected in the simulation of the behaviour and movement of radioactive air. The modelling considers external exposures, expressed in ambient dose equivalent, and internal exposures, leading to committed effective dose. The ESTE dispersion models have proven extremely useful in obtaining essential parameters for predicting the impact of dispersed radioactivity on individuals in the investigated areas. These data can help implement effective protection measures for people in such areas, where exposure also depends on the configuration of the building structures, which can be taken into account when adopting measures to minimise the exposure of individuals present or moving around. The ESTE code was applied to model the dispersion of Cs-137 in a specific urban environment.
  1. L. Lipták, E. Fojcíková, M. Krpelanová, V. Fabová, P. Čarný, “The ESTE decision support system for nuclear and radiological emergencies: Atmospheric dispersion models”, Atmosphere, vol. 12, no. 2, 204, Feb. 2021.
    DOI: 10.3390/atmos12020204
  2. E. Fojcíková, Ľ. Lipták, M. Krpelanová, M. Chylý, P. Čarný, “ESTE—Decision support system for nuclear and radiological accidents,” Radiat. Prot. Dosimetry, 2019, vol. 186, no. 2 – 3, pp. 321 – 325, Dec. 2019.
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  5. L. Lipták et al., “Dispersion and radiation modelling in ESTE system using urban LPM,” Atmoshere, vol. 14, no. 7, 1077, Jul. 2023.
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Medical Physics


Dafina Xhako, Elda Spahiu, Suela Hoxhaj, Niko Hyka

Pages: 29-35

DOI: 10.37392/RapProc.2024.07

Breast cancer is a type of tumor that occurs in breast tissue. It continues to remain one of the most prevalent and life-threatening diseases globally, becoming the second leading cause of cancer-related deaths among women. Breast cancer begins when malignant and cancerous cells begin to grow from the breast cells. Self-tests and periodic clinical examinations help in early diagnosis and significantly improve survival chances. Early diagnosis of breast cancer, when it is small and has not spread, can make the disease easier to treat, thus increasing the patient’s chances of survival. Due to the medical importance of breast cancer examinations, Computer-Aided Detection methods have been developed to detect anomalies such as calcifications, masses, architectural distortions, and bilateral asymmetry. Micro calcifications are nothing but tiny mineral deposits within the breast tissue. They look like small white colored spots. They may or may not be caused by cancer. This is one reason why breast cancer detection is difficult with mammogram because the mammogram results vary greatly depending on the patient’s age, breast density, and the type of lesion present. Breast density can lead to differences in the contrast of malignant regions and can lead to incorrect conclusions. Our study describes an AI approach of adaptive median filter which performs spatial processing to determine which pixels in an image have been affected by noise. To detect a tumor at different stages we use neural network with different learning techniques to get Gaussian Mixed Model (GMM) segmentation. The Artificial Neural Network (ANN) model is based on convolutional neural networks (CNN) and as input data we have selected 260 mammogram images classifying them into three categories: normal mammogram, mammogram with benign and mammogram with cancer. After the training process, we used a CNN model named ResNet50 to compare the results. Due to the low processing capacity, we have chosen a small dataset. Our results show that a CNN model with 3*3 convolutional layer performed better compared with Gaussian Mixed Model segmentation.
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  2. A. Y. Ng et al., “Prospective implementation of AI-assisted screen reading to improve early detection of breast cancer,” Nat. Med., vol. 29, no. 12, pp. 3044 – 3049, Dec. 2023.
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  3. J. S. Ahn et al., “Artificial Intelligence in Breast Cancer Diagnosis and Personalized Medicine,” J. Breast Cancer, vol. 26, no. 5, pp. 405 – 435, Oct. 2023.
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  4. J. Tang, R. M. Rangayyan, J. Xu, I. El Naqa, Y. Yang, “Computer-aided detection and diagnosis of breast cancer with mammography: recent advances,” IEEE Trans. Inf. Technol. Biomed., vol. 13, no. 2, pp. 236 – 251, Mar. 2009.
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  5. I. Kim, K. Kang, Y. Song, T.-J. Kim, “Application of artificial intelligence in pathology: trends and challenges,” Diagnostics, vol. 12, no. 11, 2794, Nov. 2022.
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  6. N. Houssami, G. Kirkpatrick-Jones, N. Noguchi, C. I. Lee, “Artificial Intelligence (AI) for the early detection of breast cancer: a scoping review to assess AI’s potential in breast screening practice,” Expert Rev. Med. Devices, vol. 16, no. 5, pp. 351 – 362, May 2019.
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  7. L. Shen et al., “Deep Learning to improve breast cancer early detection on screening mammography,” Sci. Rep., vol. 9, no. 1, 12495, Aug. 2019.
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  8. C. Leibig et al., “Combining the strengths of radiologists and AI for breast cancer screening: A retrospective analysis,” Lancet Digit. Health, vol. 4, no. 7, pp. e507 – e519, Jul. 2022.
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  15. C. R. Taylor, N. Monga, C. Johnson, J. R. Hawley, M. Patel, “Artificial Intelligence Applications in Breast Imaging: Current Status and Future Directions,”Diagnostics, vol. 13, no. 12, 2041, Jun. 2023.
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  16. J. W. Li et al., “Artificial intelligence in breast imaging: Potentials and challenges,” Phys. Med. Biol., vol. 68, no. 23, 23TR01, Nov. 2023.
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  17. A. Yala, C. Lehman, T. Schuster, T. Portnoi, R. Barzilay, “A deep learning mammography-based model for improved breast cancer risk prediction,” Radiology, vol. 292, no. 1, pp. 60 – 66, Jul. 2019.
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  18. D. Xhako, S. Hoxhaj, N. Hyka, E. Spahiu, P. Malkaj, “Artificial Intelligence in Medical Image Processing,” Int. J. Intell. Syst. Appl. Eng., vol. 12, no. 8s, pp. 549 – 552, Dec. 2023.
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  21. D. Xhako, E. Spahiu, N. Hyka, S. Hoxhaj, P. Malkaj, “Integration of DCNN Model for Brain Tumor Detection with PPIR Simulator,” Int. J. Intell. Syst. Appl. Eng., vol. 12, no. 8s, pp. 534 – 538, Dec. 2023.
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  24. S. B Shamir, A. L. Sasson, L. R. Margolies, D. S. Mendelson, “New Frontiers in Breast Cancer Imaging: The Rise of AI,” Bioengineering, vol. 11, no. 5, 451, May 2024.
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    PMid: 38790318
    PMCid: PMC11117903

Medical Physics


Dafina Xhako, Suela Hoxhaj, Elda Spahiu, Niko Hyka

Pages: 36-40

DOI: 10.37392/RapProc.2024.08

High-dose chest CT exams were performed significantly more frequently during the Covid-19 pandemic to diagnose and treat patients. While critical for patient care, there are concerns about the potential increase in cancer risk linked with this ionizing radiation exposure. Based on the radiation dose, age, sex, and organ exposure, this study examines the cancer risk linked to high-dose thorax CT during the pandemic in Albania. This study is to evaluate the possible cancer risk associated with high-dose CT exams of the thorax for Covid patients. As a method for calculating the incidence of cancer linked to radiation exposure, the idea of Lifetime Attributable Risk (LAR) is investigated through data collection from Covid 19 patient for the period 2020 -2022. The study's methodology includes a thorough analysis of radiation exposure from CT scans, with a particular emphasis on the risks associated with cancer from thorax imaging techniques. The cancer risks significantly increased linearly with radiation dose of CT scans, with the highest risks for doses greater than 50 mSv. The lifetime attributable risk (LAR) of cancer for adults following CT scans was inordinately increased. This study also investigates how the Covid-19 pandemic has affected the need for and frequency of thoracic CT scans, considering the increasing use of imaging in the diagnosis and monitoring of respiratory diseases during this global health emergency. The results of this study emphasize how crucial it is to weigh the possible long-term hazards of radiation-induced cancer against the diagnostic advantages of high-dose thoracic CT scans. Using the patient's age, sex, and effective dose value, the risk factors from BEIR VII tables for more than 2000 patients, analyzing other complex factors that contribute to the risk of cancer, we found there is a low cancer risk estimation considering as an important factor the age of patients.
  1. C. Huang et al., “Clinical features of patients infected with 2019 novel coronavirus in Wuhan,” Lancet, vol. 395, no. 10223, pp. 497 – 506, Feb. 2020.
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  2. Y. Yang et al., “Evaluating the accuracy of different respiratory specimens in the laboratory diagnosis and monitoring the viral shedding of 2019-nCoV infections,” deposited at medRxiv, Feb. 17, 2020.
    DOI: 10.1101/2020.02.11.20021493
  3. T. Ai et al., “Correlation of Chest CT and RT-PCR Testing in Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) in China: “A Report of 1014 Cases,” Radiology, vol. 296, no. 2, pp. E32 – E40, Aug. 2020.
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  4. D. Caruso et al., “Chest CT Features of COVID-19 in Rome. Italy,” Radiology,vol. 296, no. 2, pp. E79 – E85, Aug. 2020.
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  5. Y. Fang et. al., “Sensitivity of Chest CT for COVID-19: Comparison to RT-PCR,”Radiology, vol. 296, no. 2, pp. E115 – E117, Aug. 2020.
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  6. J. P. Kanne, B. P. Little, J. H. Chung, B. M. Elicker, L. H. Ketai, “Essentials for Radiologists on COVID-19: An Update- Radiology Scientific Expert Panel,” Radiology,vol. 296, no. 2, pp. E113 – E114, Aug. 2020.
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  7. M. P. Revel et al., “European Society of Radiology (ESR) and the European Society of Thoracic Imaging (ESTI). COVID-19 patients and the radiology department - advice from the European Society of Radiology (ESR) and the European Society of Thoracic Imaging (ESTI),” Eur. Radiol., vol. 30, no. 9, pp. 4903 – 4909, Sep. 2020.
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  11. F. Palorini, D. Origgi, C. Granata, D. Matranga, S. Salerno, “Adult exposures from MDCT including multiphase studies: first Italian nationwide survey,” Eur. Radiol., vol. 24, no. 2, pp. 469 – 483, Feb. 2014.
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  12. N. Hyka, D. Xhako, G. Halilaj, F. Nela, “How chest CT radiation dose of patients with confirmed COVID-19 will impact the cancer risk in the future,” Phys. Med., vol. 92, suppl. S1, pp. S230 – S231, Dec. 2021.
  13. D. Xhako, N. Hyka, S. Hoxhaj, E. Spahiu, P. Malkaj, “An Overview of Protocol for Quality Control Tests for Diagnostic Radiology Applied By Albmedtech,” J. Jilin University (Engineering and Technol. Edition), vol. 42, no. 11, pp. 72 – 84, Nov. 2023.
    DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.10081328
  14. N. Hyka, D. Xhako, K. Sallabanda, P. Malkaj, “Using Deep Convolutional Neural Network to Create a DCNN Model for Brain Tumor Detection,” Eur. Chem. Bull., vol. 12, spec. issue 7, pp. 4979 – 4989, Jul. 2023.
    DOI: 10.48047/ecb/2023.12.si7.430

Radiation Detectors


Madalina Cruceru, Alin Serban, Liviu Ciolacu

Pages: 41-43

DOI: 10.37392/RapProc.2024.09

A new detector with Cerium-doped yttrium garnet (YAG:Ce) scintillator crystal plate is reported. The crystal of YAG:Ce, made in China at Hangzhou Yong Hee Photonics Co. Ltd has 0.2% Cerium activator and was grown by Bridgeman method. Since the maximum of the peak emission of YAG:Ce is situated at 550nm, the readout can be made with a PIN photodiode. The dimensions of the crystal plate are 18x18x10mm3. The photodiode used in this experiment was of type S3204-08, made in Japan by Hamamatsu, with an active area of 18x18mm2, which is not affected by magnetic field. The signal from this detector was fed into a charge sensitive amplifier. Two positron sources of 48V (with energies of 511 keV, 983.5 keV, 1312.1 keV) and 22Na (511keV, 1274 keV) were used to measure the energy resolution obtained. We find a value 12%, bigger than the energy resolution obtained for CsI(Tl)(6.7%) with the same PIN photodiode readout and the same charge sensitive preamplifier. Also, the YAG:Ce crystal was polished on all faces and then was wrapped with black paper on lateral faces. The YAG:Ce crystal is non-hygroscopic in comparison with NaI(Tl) and CsI(Tl) crystals, and so it can be used in high temperature and ultra-high vacuum conditions for a long time. The decay time of 70ns for YAG:Ce is smaller than the decay time for CsI(Tl), which makes it a fast detector. Indeed, the YAG:Ce crystal is very good for replacing the old crystals used in gamma radiation detectors from a positron emission tomography (PET) scanner and from other types of end detectors used for high energy experiments.
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Radiation Detectors


E. Yilmaz, E. Doganci, O. Yilmaz, U. Gurer, A. Kahraman, A. Mammadli, C. Abbasova, N. Suleymanova, S. Nuruyev, R. Akbarov, A. Mutale, E. Budak, A. Aktag, H. Karacali

Pages: 44-47

DOI: 10.37392/RapProc.2024.10

Silicon-based PIN photo diodes with 3 x 3 mm2 sensitive regions were successfully fabricated in this work. The electrical properties of PIN diodes were investigated intensively. The dark current of Silicon PIN photodiodes has been found to be 200nA at a reverse voltage of -70V. The PIN photo diodes have also been found to reach the full depletion mode and a capacitance value of 5.5 pF has been achieved at -40V. When the photo- sensitive region of the photo diode was illuminated with a help of 450 nm LED light. The photon current of 310 nA was obtained at a reverse voltage of -70V by using 450nm LED light. As the results of first evaluation, the experimental results also showed high dark current value and low photocurrent efficiency. The problems affecting the electrical performance of PIN diodes have been addressed in this research work. Additionally, all the results were carried out at room temperature.
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Radiation Measurements


Jurgen Shano, Elida Bylyku, Dritan Prifti, Kozeta Tushe, Brunilda Daci

Pages: 48-52

DOI: 10.37392/RapProc.2024.11

Our study’s main objective is to evaluate gamma dose rates in the air across the Republic of Albania. The Institute of Applied Nuclear Physics set up six monitoring stations in different parts of the country to measure how much radiation is present each month and year, and to figure out the total yearly exposure to natural radioactivity in the air. The monitoring system employed for gamma radiation is the GMT-based Gamma Dose Rate Monitoring System. The research has shown that the average radiation level for Albania is about 1.61 µSv ± 0.010 µSv/h, and the yearly estimate is around 587 µSv ±0.01 µSv/h. One interesting finding is that for three years in a row, Elbasan had the highest radiation reading, reaching up to 3,477 µSv. This number changed depending on the time of year, with the highest levels often happening during rainy days. These findings provide a baseline for monitoring environmental radioactivity and informing public health policies.
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Radon and Thoron


Gerti Xhixha, Blerim Rrakaqi, Kozeta Tushe, Merita Xhixha (Kaçeli), Njomza Elezaj, Ylli Kaçiu, Nazim Gashi

Pages: 53-56

DOI: 10.37392/RapProc.2024.12

Indoor radon concentration in Albania has been investigated to study the influence of measuring indoor radon concentration between living room and bedroom using the CR-39 Solid State Nuclear Track Detectors (SSNTDs). Approximately 60% (out of 69 measurement locations) of the indoor radon measurements were performed in houses, while the remainder in apartments. The average bedroom-living room indoor radon concentration in houses were found to vary from 13 to 454 Bq/m3 with an arithmetic mean of 68 Bq/m3 (median 49 Bq/m3), while in apartments from 24 to 144 Bq/m3 with an arithmetic mean of 54 Bq/m3 (median 47 Bq/m3). The relatively lower concentrations found in apartments is mainly due to apartment floor height, varying from 1st to 7th floor. The ratio of radon concentrations between bedroom/living rooms showed values varying from 0.3 to 4.1 in houses and 0.5 to 3.7 in apartments. The distribution is positively skewed with median value of 1.0 in houses and 1.1 in apartments. The slight difference between houses and apartments can be an indication that the lifestyle is a factor determining bedroom radon concentrations. However, these results support our proposal that radon concentration measured in living room and/or bedroom is representative for the determination of environmental radon exposure of the population in dwellings.
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