Vol. 6, 2021


Primary DNA damage in brain of mice exposed to anaesthetic isoflurane and ionizing irradiation in dose of 1 or 2 Gy

Vesna Benković, Anica Horvat Knežević, Mirta Milić

Pages: 1-5

DOI: 10.37392/RapProc.2021.01

Radiotherapy (RT) is still a golden procedure for brain tumour therapy. Ionizing radiation (IR) is IARC carcinogen of group 1 and the use of novel RT techniques increased the precise targeting, dose delivery, localized dose exposure and lowered the number of necessary IR exposures. The use of volatile anaesthetics (VA) in RT helped in patients’ immobility and RT targeting either due to the type of the procedure or due to different patients’ conditions (claustrophobia, anxiety, etc.), considering the increase in brain tumour incidence among adults and children. Isoflurane (ISO) among VA is commonly used due to fast sedation and stable patients’ conditions. Although considered safe, there are reports about its genotoxicity and mutagenicity in vitro, in vivo and in clinical studies but with no consistent and even contradictory results, mostly considering the toxic and protective effects in brain cells. Combined VA-IR effects have not been examined so far, so we decided to test single exposure on brain cells in vivo. 120 Swiss albino male mice, were exposed to 2.4 % ISO® for 2 hours or to 1 or 2 Gy whole body γ-IR ( 60 Co, dose rate 1.88 Gy/min) or their combination. Frontal lobe brain samples (as the most sensitive IR damaging parts) were taken immediately (0h), 2, 6 and 24h from the exposure and primary DNA damage was evaluated using alkaline comet assay. In non-irradiated ISO samples slightly higher damage level did not significantly differ from control in all time points. IR only samples had significantly higher damage, with the dose increase. In both combined exposures, after 24 hours, ISO significantly decreased damage levels, compared to IR samples and demonstrated its influence on increased velocity repair of the rest of IR damage. Adaptive response, by activating DNA repair mechanisms and the levels of reactive free oxygen radicals’ scavengers are possible mechanism of isoflurane protective effect but further research should be focused on determining the exact mechanisms.
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Mykola Strilchuk, Igor Maliuk, Ivan Mironyuk, Hanna Vasylyeva, Volodymyr Tryshyn, Maryna Hryhorenko, Oleksandr Zhukov, Khrystyna Savka

Pages: 6-10

DOI: 10.37392/RapProc.2021.02

The aim of this work is the application of well-known adsorbents for the separation of 90Sr, 90Y, and 90Zr radionuclides. Three basic types of adsorbents have been studied: Dowex HCR S/S cation exchange resin, Dowex 1x8 anion exchange resin, and titanium dioxide with a chemically modified surface. The most effective adsorbent for the separation of strontium, yttrium, and zirconium ions was titanium dioxide with a chemically modified surface. This adsorbent selectively absorbs zirconium cations against the background of excess strontium and yttrium ions. The separation takes place in 2% HNO3 at initial concentrations of the studied cations 10 ng/ml and 100 ng/ml. Analysis of the initial mixture and the mixture after separation was conducted using ICP-MS “Element-2” with argon plasma. Age of 90Sr-90Y β- -source (approximately 30.2 years old) was measured using the method of the chemical separation of 90Sr and 90Zr by the titanium dioxide and following calculation of the 90Zr/90Sr ratio. The age of 90Sr-90Y β - -source was calculated as 31.9 ±1 year. The combination of liquid scintillation counting of 90Sr and ICP-MS analysis was proposed as an alternative method of determination of the 90Zr/ 90Sr ratio. It was shown, that both methods provide similar results in radio chronometry of 90Sr-contained compound, i.e. age-dating of liquid 90Sr-90Y β- -source, and could validate each other.
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Gergana Simeonova, Boyan Todorov, Valentina Lyubomirova

Pages: 11-15

DOI: 10.37392/RapProc.2021.03

The isotope 18F is one of the attractive positron emitters with commercial cyclotron production by the following nuclear reaction18O (p, n) 18F. Basically, the radionuclide 18F is used for the production of 18F-labeled radiopharmaceuticals applied in positrone-emission tomography (PET). The most widely used among them is 18F-fluorodeoxy-glucose (18F-FDG). 18F-FDG as glucose analog can be used to assess the metabolism in the brain and heart, and also to study malignancies. It plays an important role in the planning of radiation therapy for pathologies such as lung cancer, head and neck cancer, colon cancer. 18F-fluorodeoxy-glucose has been used in recent years as a prosthetic group for indirect radiofluorination of biomolecules such as peptides and proteins under relatively mild reaction conditions, which allows the development and synthesis of more specific PET radio tracers. A method has been developed to directly modify 18F-FDG in the clinic environment and equipment. Simple and reliable procedure was done with formation of an oxime chemical bond with a bifunctional compound. The optimal reaction conditions were carried out by varying the buffer, temperature and catalyst used. The progress of the reaction is monitored by radio TLС - chromatography.
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Radiation Physics


Brahim El Filali, Tetyana Torchynska, Georgiy Polupan, Erick Velázquez Lozada, José A. Andraca Adame, Jorge L. Ramirez Garcia

Pages: 16-20

DOI: 10.37392/RapProc.2021.04

The impact of Ga and In donor co-doping on morphology, crystal structure and photoluminescence (PL) has been studied in ZnO:Ga:In nanocrystal (NC) films. The films were deposited by ultrasonic spray pyrolysis on silicon substrates heated to 400oC. For the study of double donor doping, the group of samples was prepared, where the In content was 1 at%, but the Ga contents were varied in the range of 0.5-2.5 at.%. To stimulate crystallization of the films, all samples were annealed at 400oC for 4h in a nitrogen flow (5L/min). The obtained ZnO:Ga:1.0%In NC films are characterized by wurtzite crystal structures for all Ga concentrations. The variation non monotonous of the morphology and PL intensity of the near band edge (NBE) emission band versus Ga contents has been detected in the ZnO:Ga:1.0%In NC films. The ZnO crystal lattice parameters do not change up to the Ga content 1.0 at%, then decreases with Ga content of 1.5 at% and enlarging to ≥ 2.0-2.5 at% Ga in the films. High-quality NC films with wurtzite-type crystalline structure, planar morphology, bright NBE emission and the small intensity of defect related PL bands have been obtained for the 1.5 at% Ga. The reasons why the parameters vary non monotonic and the optimal concentrations for the Ga/In donor type doping the ZnO NC films have been analyzed and discussed.
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S. Vuchkan, S. Trofymenko, V. Lazur, H.Vasylyeva, M. Hryhorenko, Yu. Kylivnik, O. Sych

Pages: 21-26

DOI: 10.37392/RapProc.2021.05

The radiation resistance of natural zeolite, cation exchange resin, carbon sorbent, and titanium phosphate were investigated, as well as the ability to adsorb strontium ions after internal adsorbents irradiation. It is shown, that upon irradiation the adsorption properties of all these materials are slightly reduced. The only exception is titanium phosphate with a surface modified with NH 4 OH. Initial and residual concentration of stable strontium isotopes was measured by direct complexometric titration. Some experiments were performed with radioactive 90 Sr as well. The amount of 90 Sr was controlled by liquid scintillation techniques. The values of adsorption of strontium ions by irradiated and non-irradiated samples of amorphous titanium phosphate were determined. The analysis of changes of titanium phosphate surface under the action of external irradiation was conducted by the method of low-temperature nitrogen adsorption-desorption isotherms. The proportion of micro and mesopores, as well as the total surface area of the investigated adsorbent, were estimated. The pore volume and pore radius were calculated by the DFT and BJH methods. A brief comparison of these methods was made.
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Radiation Measurements

On muon energy group structure based on deflection angle for application in muon scattering tomography: A Monte Carlo study through GEANT4 simulations

A. Ilker Topuz, Madis Kiisk, Andrea Giammanco, Märt Mägi

Pages: 27-31

DOI: 10.37392/RapProc.2021.06

The average deflection angle of the tracked muons in the muon scattering tomography exponentially declines in function of the initial kinetic energy, the angular dependence of which provides an opportunity to set out a binary relation between the initial kinetic energy and the average deflection angle, thereby leading to a coarse energy prediction founded on the mean deflection angle in the case of experimental incapabilities or limitations. Nevertheless, in addition to the disadvantageous exponential trend, the standard deviations observed in the deflection angles restrict the number of energy groups by yielding a significant number of coincided angular outcomes even at the fairly distinct energy values. In this study, we address the problem of the muon energy classification for a tomographic system consisting of 0.4-cm plastic scintillators manufactured from polyvinyl toluene and we explore a four-group structure besides a ternary partitioning between 0.25 and 8 GeV. In the first instance, we determine the deflection angles by tracking the hit locations in the detector layers on the sub-divided uniform energy intervals through the GEANT4 simulations. In the latter step, we express two misclassification probabilities where the first approach assumes a symmetrical linear propagation bounded by one standard deviation in one dimension, whereas the second procedure employs a positively defined modified Gaussian distribution that governs the overlapping area in two dimensions. In the final stage, we compare qualitatively and quantitatively the adjacent energy groups by using the computed misclassification probabilities. In the absence of any further data manipulation, we explicitly show that the misclassification probabilities increase when the number of energy groups augments. Furthermore, we also conclude that it is feasible to benefit from the mean deflection angle to roughly estimate the muon energies up to four energy groups by taking the misclassification probabilities into consideration, while the classification viability significantly diminishes when the partition number exceeds four on the basis of standard deviation.
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Safecast - Citizen Science for ambient dose rate monitoring

P. Kuča, J. Helebrant, P. Bossew

Pages: 32-38

DOI: 10.37392/RapProc.2021.07

Citizen Science has raised much interest for the last decades. In many scientific disciplines, citizens contribute to acquisition of field data mostly out of scientific interest. Institutional science used to look sceptically upon laypeople, but the attitude has largely changed as the benefits of Citizen Science for both active citizens and scientific institutions became apparent. One very successful project is SAFECAST, devoted to monitoring ambient ionizing radiation. The paper introduces the project and its measurement tool. Benefits and problems are discussed, the latter consisting primarily of uncertainty introduced by deviations from standard measurement protocol, in turn contributing to problems of interpretability. Altogether, measuring ambient dose rate is easy, but interpretation of results is not trivial and prone to spurious conclusions. One should have in mind that especially in case of real emergency (like Chernobyl and Fukushima accidents) the measurements of ambient dose-rate level only are not sufficient for proper decision-making on protective measures.
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Monitoring of critical parameters of radiation sterilization process at an industrial electron accelerator

R.I. Pomatsalyuk, V.Yu. Titov, D.V. Titov, V.L. Uvarov, V.A. Shevchenko, A.A. Zakharchenko

Pages: 39-43

DOI: 10.37392/RapProc.2021.08

The use of ionizing radiation is a safe and effective method for sterilizing medical devices, pharmaceuticals and food products. In accordance with the requirements of international standards, a necessary condition of the process QA is to maintain its critical parameters within the specified limits. Primarily, such parameters are the electron energy and absorbed dose. The value of the latter must be controlled in each unit of the processed product. Traditionally, the disposable chemical dosimeters are used in an off-line mode for these purposes. For on line monitoring of beam energy and absorbed dose, a method based on measurement of distribution of the charge induced by irradiation in an extended stack monitor positioned behind an irradiated object was developed and implemented. In the report, a brief overview of a control system designed on the basis of an EPICS package for continuous monitoring of the processing parameters at a LU-10 industrial electron linac of NSC KIPT with beam energy of 8-10 MeV is presented. The operation principle of the system is described, as well as the procedure and results of calibration of electron beam energy and absorbed dose measuring channels.
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Characteristics of natural background radiation at BSUIN and EUL Underground Laboratories

Katarzyna Szkliniarz

Pages: 44-47

DOI: 10.37392/RapProc.2021.09

Characterization of underground laboratories in terms of their natural radioactivity is necessary to determine the conditions that prevail there and plan using these sites for scientific research and other activities. The article compares natural background radiation in three underground laboratories located in the Baltic Sea region. The comparison includes measurements made in underground laboratories (in-situ) and detailed laboratory analyses of water and rock samples taken from these locations. Measurements were made by gamma, alpha spectroscopy, and LSC technique.
  1. A. Bettini, “The world deep underground laboratories,” Eur. Phys. J. Plus., vol. 127, no. 9, p. 114, Sep. 2012.
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  5. K. Polaczek-Grelik et al., “Natural background radiation at Lab 2 of Callio Lab, Pyhäsalmi mine in Finland,” Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res. A, vol. 969, no. 9, 164015, Jul. 2020.
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N. Marchese, A. Parlato, E.A.G. Tomarchio

Pages: 48-51

DOI: 10.37392/RapProc.2021.10

This work presents the results of two cycles of neutron dose rate measurements realized using an ALNOR 2202D Neutron Dose Rate Meter whose time response is acquired and analyzed through a controlled ORTEC MCS-32 acquisition card in Windows environment. The data obtained have been compared with values from previous experimental surveys and with the data provided by the worldwide main observatories. It has been also verified the influence of the fluctuations in the flux of cosmic rays during the course of a solar cycle. By comparing the realized measurements and the data provided by the cosmic ray monitoring networks it is also possible to obtain a value of ambient dose equivalent rate and neutron flux rate which can be used as a reference for design a neutron irradiation testing of electronic devices.
  1. F. Cannizzaro, G. Greco, M. Raneli, M. C. Spitale, E. Tomarchio, “Behaviour of 7Be Air Concentration observed during a period of 13 years and Comparison with Sun Activity,” Nucl. Geophys., vol. 9, no. 6, pp. 597 – 607, 1995.
    DOI: 10.1016/0969-8086(95)00043-7
  2. F. Cannizzaro, G. Greco, M. Raneli, M. C. Spitale, E. Tomarchio, “Concentration measurements of 7Be at ground level air at Palermo, Italy – Comparison with solar activity over a period of 21 years,” J. Environ. Radioact., vol. 72, no. 3, pp. 259 – 271, 2004.
    DOI: 10.1016/S0265-931X(03)00177-2
    PMid: 14972409
  3. S. Basile, R. Burlon, E. Tomarchio, “Analysis of 7Be and 210Pb concentration and 7Be/210Pb activity ratio in ground level air at Palermo (Italy),” Radiat. Eff. Defects Solids, vol. 174, no. 11 – 12, pp. 998 – 1007, 2019.
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  11. K. Lee, R. Sheu, “Comparing two Measurements of the same Cosmic-ray neutron spectrum using standard Bonner Spheres and high-sensitivity Bonner cylinders,” Radiat. Prot. Dosimetry, vol. 177, no. 4, pp. 450 – 457, Dec. 2017.
    DOI: 10.1093/rpd/ncx063
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  12. D. A. H. Rasolonjatovo et al., “Measurement for the Dose-rates of the Cosmic-ray Components on the Ground,” J. Radiat. Res., vol. 43, no. Suppl, pp. S27 – S33, Dec. 2002.
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    PMid: 12793726
  13. G. F. Krymsky, V. G. Grigor’ev, S. A. Starodubtsev, “New method for estimating the absolute flux and energy spectrum of solar cosmic rays based on neutron-monitor data,” JETP Lett., vol. 88, no. 7, pp. 411 – 413, Dec. 2008.
    DOI: 10.1134/S0021364008190016

Radiation Protection

Estimation of Diagnostic Reference Levels for Complete Myocardial Scintigraphy Protocol in South of Brazil

Daniela Cristina Panciera, Daiane Cristini Barbosa de Souza, Jéssica Soares Machado, Julio Cesar de Souza Ribeiro

Pages: 52-55

DOI: 10.37392/RapProc.2021.11

Nuclear Medicine (NM) is a medical specialty divided into diagnostic and therapeutic applications. The doses resulting from procedures in this practice come from activities administered to patients and contribute to the exposure of the population to ionizing radiation. Therefore, the optimization of radiological protection aims to balance the image quality of medical exams and the amount of radiation received by the patient, which should be optimized to the minimum value necessary for the diagnostic. The International Commission on Radiological Protection (ICRP) provides guidance on the establishment of reference levels for procedures in various modalities. In MN, diagnostic reference levels (DRLs) are based on the administered activities to patients and are considered an important tool for optimizing procedures. The objective of the present study was to estimate the typical values of administered activities resulting from Nuclear Medicine procedures performed in a private service located in the South region of Brazil. The applied methodology consisted of using secondary data retrospectively collected from the procedures registration systems in a nuclear medicine service performed in 2020. The data collected were: procedures type, radionuclide, date of the exam, administered activity (Bq), weight (kg), height (m), age (years), and gender of the patients, as well as the imaging equipment used by the service. The result obtained was average height: 1.7 m; standard deviation: 0.1; average age: 64.4 y; standard deviation 10.7; agemax. 88.0 y and agemin. 37.0 y; average weight: 79.5 kg; standard deviation:
13.5. The typical values, based on the median of administered activity (MBq) distribution of 99mTc, on myocardial scintigraphy in the stress phase was 1,221.0 MBq and for the rest 407.0 MBq. Based on the results of the present study, we expect to encourage the establishment of an efficient routine for recording and organizing data in Santa Catarina. In addition, we would like to emphasize the benefit of optimizing the administered activities and radiation protection practices for population and individuals. Through studies like this one, we hope to contribute to the estimation of DRLs in NM in Brazil and to stimulate the creation of a culture of recording doses and activities; to help optimize the administered activities and the practices involved; as well as to contribute with the provision of data for the estimation of collective effective dose from NM examinations.
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  3. D. M. Seraphim, A. C. F. da S. Fischer, “Definição de Níveis de Referência em Diagnóstico do Serviço de Medicina Nuclear do Hospital de Clínicas de Porto Alegre,” Revista Brasileira de Ciências da Radiação, vol. 8, não. 3, pp. 1 – 13, Set. 2020. (D. M. Seraphim, A. C. F. da S. Fischer, “Definition of Diagnostic Reference Levels at the Nuclear Medicine Service of the Hospital de Clínicas de Porto Alegre,” Braz. J. Radiat. Sci., vol. 8, no. 3, pp. 1 – 13, Sep. 2020.)
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Dose rate assessment of 137Cs to pelagic fish using an innovative method combining field measurements, CMEMS data and ERICA Assessment Tool

G. Mavrokefalou, M. Sotiropoulou, O. Sykioti, H. (E) Florou, G. Kitis

Pages: 56-61

DOI: 10.37392/RapProc.2021.12

Earth Observation satellites and environmental models are able to monitor changes of ecological parameters in the marine environment. Radionuclides cannot be directly measured using satellite remote sensing, because they are not currently detectable by the satellite instruments. Nevertheless, the levels of radionuclides, in the marine environment are known to be associated with physical and biogeochemical parameters of the natural environment. Considering this attribute, we investigate the potential relation between 137Cs activity concentration and sea surface salinity. We select the parameter of salinity, as the element of Cesium in the seawater is conservative and contributes to it. Cs-137 activity concentration measurements are issued from the database of the Environmental Radioactivity Laboratory (ERL) of NCSR “D” for the period 1993 to 2006. Salinity corresponds to sea surface salinity (SSS) data issued from Copernicus Marine Environment Monitoring Service (CMEMS) database spanning also the period 1993 to 2006. A total of 15 measurements are used for the establishment of a linear regression model for the marine environment of the Island of Lemnos (Greece). The Island of Lemnos is located in the Aegean, southwest of the Dardanelles Strait and its waters are constantly enriched with 137Cs of Black Sea origin. The resulting linear model (R2=0.82) is then validated using recent 137Cs measurements spanning November 2018 and July 2019. During two sampling cruises that took place, on 12-15 November 2018 and on 24-28 July 2019, a total of 11 samples were collected and analyzed. The measured concentrations obtained by gamma spectrometry, in terms of activity concentrations (Bq/m3), are then compared with the estimated 137Cs concentrations obtained by the model. The estimations present a relative error of less than 25%. Finally, in order to conduct the risk assessment in the studied area, the dose rate thematic maps in the marine area of Lemnos are calculated with the ERICA Assessment Tool and QGIS for pelagic fish, as one of the most representative organism of the studied environment and the most important, in terms of commercial value. The doses in pelagic fish are calculated for each pixel within the estimated 137Cs activity concentrations thematic maps for November 2018 and July 2019. The results show the corresponding dose rate maps for the pelagic fish during November 2018 and July 2019 for the Lemnos Island. The dose rates in the thematic maps vary from 0.7 to 1.1 μGy/year, which are far lower than the intervention levels, indicating low impact due to the 137Cs exposure.
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Study of the Chernobyl hot particles' destruction by soil micromycetes' influence

V. Zheltonozhsky, M. Zheltonozhskaya, T. Tugay, N. Kuzmenkova

Pages: 62-65

DOI: 10.37392/RapProc.2021.13

Radiation accidents, regular activities of nuclear power cycle enterprises, and nuclear weapons testing are sources of artificial high radiotoxicity actinides entering the environment. The actinides' long half-lives result in their constant accumulation on a planetary scale. Radioactive microparticles are one of the common forms of artificial actinides in soils. According to recent studies, soil micromycetes can increase the processes of hot particles destruction. A presented paper shows the ability of Cladosporium cladosporioides to transfer 241Am from hot particles containing 241Am and 137Cs to the mobile biologically available form. We observed the 241Am direct accumulation by micromycete mycelium for the first time. In contrast, the interaction of studied strains with 137Cs from hot particles was different.
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Radon and Thoron

Open problems in radon research

P. Bossew, E. Petermann

Pages: 66-71

DOI: 10.37392/RapProc.2021.14

In spite of decades of scientific research about radon, which has resulted in an immense corpus of literature and deep knowledge about all aspects of radon physics, its behaviour in the environment, its measurement and its dangers and benefits, many technical challenges remain. In course of increasingly strict regulation, new challenges emerged, mostly related to quality assured decision making in radon abatement policy and to application of advanced statistical methodology. In this paper, we give an overview about a number of topics of radon research, whose discussion and deeper investigation we find, at the one hand, important for the sake of implementing efficient radon abatement policy and interesting scientifically, on the other, as they elucidate the complexity of environmental systems up to their interaction with society in a paradigmatic manner.
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Pablo Vacas Arquero, Víctor Manuel Expósito Suárez, Abel Milena Pérez, Francisco Piñero García, Mari Ángeles Ferro García

Pages: 72–76

DOI: 10.37392/RapProc.2021.15

226Ra is a natural radioactive isotope belonging to the natural radioactive family of 238U. Its radioactive decay causes the emanation of a radioactive gas, 222Rn. These isotopes are widely distributed in a natural and heterogeneous way in the earth's crust, so their presence in groundwater has a natural origin where their accumulation or concentration depends on several of factors such as: chemical nature of the rocks that surround the aquifer, geological characteristics of the land, the physicochemical processes that occur in the aquifer, among others, as well as an anthropogenic origin (due to mining activities or the use of fertilizers). Their determination in drinking water is important because they are a source of internal contamination with a high radiological health risk, so are the short-term high-energy alpha emitters Radon decay products. The purpose of this work is to determine the activity concentration of 226Ra and its daughter 222Rn in non-treated drinking water from sources distributed along the coast and Alpujarra of Granada to know their environmental implications, to determine their natural or anthropogenic origin, as well as to know if they comply the limits established by regulatory bodies (Directive 2013/51 / EURATOM and RD 314/2016) for their consumption. The Radiometric Techniques used to monitor both radionuclides have been Gamma Spectrometry with High Purity Intrinsic Germanium Detector (HPGe), and Liquid Scintillation Counter (TRI-CARB 1500).
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Radiation detectors

Development of techniques for clearance of spent sealed nuclear medicine calibration sources

Dimitrios Mavrikis, Alexandra Ioannidou, Anastasia Savidou

Pages: 77–81

DOI: 10.37392/RapProc.2021.16

The present work concerns the development of techniques which can be used to verify clearance of Ge-68/ Ga-68 and Co-57 sealed radioactive sources. These sources are used for the calibration of various nuclear medicine systems like Gamma camera and PET imaging. There are several types of such sources of different characteristics and geometry i.e. linear, area, volume, while after their useful life these sealed sources need to be kept in control for decay till meeting the clearance criteria. The techniques aim to determine the activity of the sources after storage for appropriate time span until the clearance criteria are met and are based on Monte Carlo simulation using the MCNPX code for evaluation of the 3x3 NaI (Tl) scintillator detector efficiency. A preliminary work was done for two types of sealed radioactive sources: i) a line source containing Ge-68/Ga-68, ii) a flood source containing Co-57. However, the determined activities were underestimated by 13.6% for Co-57 flood source and 26.9% for Ge-68 line source, compared to the source’s nominal activities. In the present study, the accuracy of the previously developed techniques has been improved by detailed detector characterization.
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VOXES: a new HAPG mosaic crystal based Von Hamos spectrometer for millimetric sources

A. Scordo, V. De Leo, C. Curceanu, M. Miliucci, F. Sirghi

Pages: 82–86

DOI: 10.37392/RapProc.2021.17

Von Hamos (VH) spectrometers are widely used in several fields, ranging from fundamental physics to very different types of practical applications. However, these type of Bragg spectrometers are usually operated in high rate – high resolution experiments, where the typical source size can be as low as few tens of microns. The VOXES collaboration at the INFN Laboratories of Frascati recently developed a VH spectrometer, making use of Highly Annealed Pyrolitic Graphite (HAPG) mosaic crystals and an X-ray beam optics optimization, which could be used for source sizes up to few mm in the Bragg plane, some tens of mm in the sagittal plane and, if gaseous sources are used, several tens of cm in the X-ray propagation direction. Such kind of spectrometer could be used in a wide range of applications in several fields, going from fundamental physics, synchrotron radiation and X-FEL applications, astronomy, medicine and industry to hadronic physics experiments, measuring exotic atoms with extremely high precision. We present the results obtained with the VOXES spectrometer, in terms of spectral resolution and achievable precision, for a 206.7 mm curvature radius HAPG crystal using Fe K1,2 transition lines.
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High precision kaonic atoms X-ray spectroscopy at the DAФNE collider: The SIDDHARTA-2 experiment

M. Miliucci et al.

Pages: 87–90

DOI: 10.37392/RapProc.2021.18

X-ray spectroscopic measurements on light kaonic atoms are fundamental tool for the investigation of the low-energy quantum chromodynamics (QCD) in the strangeness sector, being a direct probe of the kaon-nucleus interaction at threshold without the need of an extrapolation at low energy as in the case of scattering experiments. In this framework, after the successful measurement of the kaonic hydrogen X-ray transition to the fundamental level in 2009, the SIDDHARTA-2 Collaboration is now ready to perform the first measurement of kaonic deuterium 2p -> 1s transitions, planned for 2021 – 2022 at LNF-INFN. This paper describes the SIDDHARTA-2 scientific case and the experimental apparatus installed in its reduced form called SIDDHARTINO at the DAΦNE collider, during the preparatory run before the kaonic deuterium data taking campaign.
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  14. M. Bazzi et al., “Characterization of the SIDDHARTA-2 second level trigger detector prototype based on scintillators coupled to a prism reflector light guide,” J. Inst., vol. 8, no. 11, T11003, Nov. 2013.
    DOI: 10.1088/1748-0221/8/11/t11003
  15. N. V. Shevchenko, “Near-threshold K-d scattering and properties of kaonic deuterium,” Nucl. Phys. A, vol. 890 - 891, pp. 50 – 61, Oct. 2012.
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  16. M. Skurzok et al., “Characterization of the SIDDHARTA-2 luminosity monitor,” J. Inst., vol. 15, no. 10, P10010, Oct. 2020.
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Material Science

Frequency Dependent Electrical Characteristics of Al/SiO2/SiNWs/n-Si MOS Capacitors

Alex Mutale, Ercan Yilmaz

Pages: 91–96

DOI: 10.37392/RapProc.2021.19

In this work, the frequency dependent electrical characteristics of Al/SiO2/SiNWs/n-Si MOS capacitors were investigated. The electrical properties of the capacitors were calculated from the capacitance-voltage (C-V) and conductance-voltage (Gm/ɷ-V) measurements for several frequencies ranging from 50kHz to 1MHz. Our experimental results showed that both frequency and voltage variations had a significant impact on the C-V and Gm/ɷ-V characteristics. The C-V characteristics were found to decrease with an increase in the applied voltage frequency due to the distribution of the interface states (N it) within the oxide layer. The Gm /ɷ-V characteristics were also found to have peaks and the peaks increased with an increase in the applied voltage frequency except for 50kHz and 100kHz. This was caused by the existence of series resistance (Rs) and Nit. We have also studied the frequency dependence on the electrical parameters such as Rs, N it, doping concentration (ND), and barrier height (ФB). The values of R s were found to decrease with increasing frequency, while the values of Nit, ND and (ФB) were also found to increase with increasing applied frequency.
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Medical Physics


Milena Zivkovic, Tatjana B. Miladinovic, Dragana Krstic

Pages: 97–100

DOI: 10.37392/RapProc.2021.20

For the first time, a comparison of two programs, the European program FOTELP and the American program MCNP, are presented in this research. For this purpose, a numerical experiment with concentric spheres filled with water and a selected electron source of 10 MeV was performed. The deposited energy in concentric spheres was determined, with the radius of the first 0.5 cm and the last 15 cm. The deposited energy was determined, with the discrepancy between these two programs ranging from 0.4 to 17%. The increasing of application Monte Carlo's technique in medicine relies on voxelized geometric shapes that are obtained by voxelization or from CT data. These programs could be used as general-purpose software packages in dosimetry and radiology. Melanoma of the eye was used as an example to illustrate the use of CT data and voxelized geometry in radiotherapy. Domestic program FOTELP (R. Ilić) and derived versions from it, including the package for brachytherapy, is already being applied at the Institute for Nuclear Research, Russian Academy of Sciences, Laboratory for Medical Physics.
  1. D. W. O. Rogers, “Fifty years of Monte Carlo simulations for medical physics,” Phys. Med. Biol., vol. 51, no. 13, pp. R287 – R301, Jul.2006.
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  11. R. D. Ilić, V. Spasić-Jokić, P. Belicev, M. Dragović, “The Monte Carlo SRNA-VOX code for 3D proton dose distribution in voxelized geometry using CT data,” Phys. Med. Biol., vol. 50, no. 5, pp. 1011 – 1017, Mar. 2005.
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Canan Koksal, Nazmiye Donmez Kesen, Nergiz Dagoglu Sakin

Pages: 101–104

DOI: 10.37392/RapProc.2021.21

Radiotherapy is the one of the major treatment modality for thoracic esophagus cancer patients. Delivering high radiation dose to the planning target volume (PTV) while protecting the surrounding normal tissues can be achieved by volumetric modulated arc therapy (VMAT) which is the advanced radiotherapy technique. For creating VMAT dose distributions, optimization algorithms and dose calculation algorithms in commercial treatment planning systems (TPS) are used. Especially in cases of tissue heterogeneity, the final calculated dose volume histogram (DVH) differs from optimal DVH acquired via the optimization procedure. The intermediate dose calculation (IDC) module, in the Eclipse treatment planning system, is utilized on optimization of the VMAT plan to solve these differences. The aim of the present study is to investigate the impact of IDC module during the optimization of VMAT for the thoracic esophagus cancer patients. The VMAT plans were generated on Eclipse TPS v15.1 using AAA algorithm without IDC module for ten patients with thoracic esophagus cancer patients. Then, the plans were re-optimized without changing optimization criteria by using same dose calculation algorithm with IDC module. The prescribed dose to PTV was 50.4 Gy/28 fr. The homogeneity index (HI) and the conformity index (CI) of PTV, maximum dose of spinal cord, mean dose of heart, the lung volume of receiving 5 and 20 Gy, were compared between plans created with and without IDC module. The CI of PTV for VMAT plans with and without IDC module were found to be 0.822±0.030 and 0.729±0.039, respectively (p=0.005). The HI of PTV for VMAT plans with and without IDC module were found to be 0.073±0.017 and 0.126±0.022, respectively (p=0.005). The maximum dose of spinal cord (p=0.028) and the mean dose of heart (p=0.047) were found lower in VMAT plans with IDC module. However, there was no significant difference for the volume of the lung receiving 5 (p=0.236) and 20 Gy (p=0.053). In conclusion, applying IDC module on VMAT optimization increases the plan quality in thoracic esophagus cancer patients.
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Microwave, Laser, RF and UV radiations

Experimental measurements of A 5G outdoor massive MIMO antenna located into a shopping center

Ts. Shalamanova, Hr. Petkova, M. Israel, V. Zaryabova

Pages: 105–108

DOI: 10.37392/RapProc.2021.22

The fifth generation mobile network (5G) is characterized not only by the expansion of the existing (4G) network, but represents an evolution of the current mobile technologies. Thanks to the use of millimeter waves and massive MIMO (Multi-Input Multiple-Output) technology, it will meet the ever increasing demands of users in terms of connectivity and capacity. The introduction of the new 5G technology is accompanied by problems related to the measurement and evaluation of electromagnetic fields (EMF). The first stage of implementation of 5G requires upgrading existing mobile 2G / 3G / 4G networks, which raises many concerns about the possibility EMF exposure limits to be exceeded. This is especially true for countries with more restrictive legislation than ICNIRP guidelines. The existing methodologies dedicated to EMF measurements of 2G, 3G and 4G networks are not suitable for 5G and can lead to significant overestimation of the exposure. The reason for that is mostly due to the specificity of the massive MIMO and the beamforming. This necessitated the use of a new approach in the assessment of the EMF exposure. This report considers experimental case of evaluating procedure of EMF exposure of the general public from an outdoor 5G massive MIMO antenna. The antenna was located into a shopping center for a demonstration the capabilities of the new 5G technology in front of the public. The power of the massive MIMO antenna was limited to 5 W because it was mounted indoor. For the purpose of the experiment 5G router was placed in different locations in order to steer the beam of the antenna. Test measurements were taken on the path of beam to evaluate the exposure in the premises. Changing the location and the height of the router, we managed to accomplish the safety limits of the EMF exposure (according to the Bulgarian legislation) for the visitors of the demonstration. We performed measurements during Ookla speed test to simulate the maximum traffic. As a result, the study can be used for the further assessment of similar cases and demonstrations for indoor premises.
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Patient and personnel health and safety in Magnetic Resonance Imaging Facility

M. Israel, M. Ivanova, P. Ivanova, Ts. Shalamanova, H. Petkova

Pages: 109–114

DOI: 10.37392/RapProc.2021.23

There are two aspects to be considered when using magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) equipment for diagnosis: patient and personnel protection. In regard to patient protection, the following main issues should be treated: individual characteristics, risk / benefit ratio; exposure time and exposure pattern, etc. The medical personnel protection is regulated by Directive 2013/35/EU and represents a major challenge in the EMF protection in the working environment. The Directive recognizes that for some activities/circumstances related to the installation, testing, use, development, maintenance and research related to magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) equipment may not comply with the exposure limit values. In these cases, the regulatory document introduces derogations that provide for risk management approaches for that specific source. This paper presents results of electromagnetic field measurement and evaluation in various MRI units in Bulgaria. The results show that the exposure limits for persons at specific risk are exceeded, as well as high values of the magnetic flux density of the static magnetic field up to 351 mT in the shielded room are registered. It should be noted here that for the personnel, a serious problem is the movement in inhomogeneous field conditions (in the shielded room), which in turn leads to induction of currents in the human body and, as a result, to transient symptoms such as vertigo and nausea occur. Measurement data are used to evaluate personnel exposure and to make specific recommendations for health and safety when dealing with such equipment in medical practice.
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Medical Imaging

High-quality iterative TOF MLEM reconstruction for short scans in total-body J-PET

R.Y. Shopa

Pages: 115–120

DOI: 10.37392/RapProc.2021.24

We introduce a list-mode time-of-flight maximum likelihood expectation maximisation (TOF MLEM) image reconstruction algorithm for the total-body Jagiellonian PET (J-PET) scanner, using an analytical model for the system response matrix (SRM), estimated as a log-polynomial fit of the Monte Carlo simulated emissions of back-to-back -photons for each bin. Using the GATE software, the updated method is tested on the simulated NEMA IEC phantom, scanned over a short 35-second time by the 140-cm long 24-module J-PET. By comparison to the reference TOF MLEM without the resolution modelling for the detectors from the CASToR framework, a significant improve-ment in image quality was observed. The inclusion of the penalisation into the reconstruction algorithm may achieve outcomes comparable to 500-second scans, with the best results obtained for the anisotropic median-diffusion with a finite-impulse-response median hybrid filter. The proposed TOF MLEM can also be extended to account for the non-collinearity, positron range and other factors.
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E. Kuzmina, A. Degtyareva, T. Mushkarina, S. Zatsarenko

Pages: 121–127

DOI: 10.37392/RapProc.2021.25

We examined 240 patients (with late radiation-induced injuries to the skin, underlying soft tissues and internal organs) who had undergone radiotherapy or combination therapy for breast cancer, cervical cancer, uterine body cancer and Hodgkin’s lymphoma at different times. Therapy for radiation-induced injuries developed and being performed at MRRC with the use of pharmacological agents (analgetics, neuroleptics and narcotics), so-called basis therapy, in combination with reflexotherapy may considerably reduce psycho-emotional and pain symptoms of late radiation-induced injuries. The analgesic effect is achieved after the first 3-5 sessions of therapy including reflexo-laser treatment. As a result, the use of analgesics and narcotics can be reduced. This therapy improves the quality of life for patients: they can attend to themselves and add more physical activity to their life. The effects of basis therapy alone (50 patients) and in combination with reflex treatment (46 patients) on immunity were compared. Immunity data of 70 practically healthy people made up the control group. It restores adaptation mechanisms while reducing immune hyperactivation and immunodepression. By adding reflexo-laser treatment, basis therapy appeared more successful restoring immunological disorders.
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Suzan Ozdemir, Janset Oztemur, Hande Sezgin, Ipek Yalcin Enis

Pages: 128–132

DOI: 10.37392/RapProc.2021.26

The selection of the raw materials is one of the most important factors for tissue scaffolds to function as native tissue. In this regard, the usage of biopolymers is crucial because these polymers are biocompatible, biodegradable, and non-toxic. Poly (l-lactic acid) (PLLA) has high biocompatibility that promotes cell attachment and proliferation, also it has suitable biodegradation time to allow cells to generate their own extracellular matrix (ECM) without creating any toxicity. On the other hand, polycaprolactone (PCL) has some mechanical advantages that can contribute to the function of the designed scaffolds when using as a blend. In this study, PLLA-based fibrous structures are produced by electrospinning method. Different concentrations of PLLA (10%, 14%, and 18%) are dissolved in chloroform solvent while PCL/PLLA blends (8% wt.) with different ratios (5/5, 6/4, 7/3, 8/2, and 9/1) are dissolved in 8/1/1 chloroform/ethanol/acetic acid solvent systems. The physical and morphological analyses are accomplished to determine the effect of concentration and blend ratio on the web structure.
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